Walking Tour of Our Neighborhood

I am so excited to take you on a walking tour of our neighborhood! We moved in about 3 weeks ago and every day has been such a joy! We have met so many amazing people and we can’t wait to meet more!
Before we begin, I wanted to tell you about how we got to this neighborhood. Y’all, we had NO intention of moving! NONE, NADA, ZILTCH!!
During quarantine, my husband and I have loved driving around looking at houses as a way to get out of the house. It was keeping us sane! LOL Well, one day I mentioned to my husband that there was a really cute neighborhood out in McKinney and wanted to know if he wanted to drive out there to look at it. He said yes and, as they say, the rest is history.
So, we got to the neighborhood and, as we were driving through, my husband turned to me and said “I want to live here”. In my mind I thought he meant when our youngest graduates high school, but nope, he meant now! If you know my husband, you know this is not him at all! He thinks everything into the ground. Which is good sometimes. Anyway, we called our realtor friend that also lives in the neighborhood and he took us to see 4 different houses. We put an offer on the first one we looked at and they rejected it because we had a contingency. Everyone knows that no seller wants a contingency offer. BOO! So, our realtor told us if we really liked the house that we needed to get ours ready and put it on the market. So, we took 6 days getting it staged and ready. And guess what……we sold it in 24 hours! With 3 offers and one was way over our asking price! Which offer do you think we took? Of course the lowest offer……NOT!! We took the highest offer and moved in 30 days! Can y’all believe that? It was all so smooth and perfect. The Lord was in it all the way and we are forever grateful to be here now!
Here is the drive up as you enter….

Isn’t it so pretty? The landscape here is phenominal! Like wowzer!
Now, a little bit about the neighborhood, Tucker Hill started construction in 2007 but had a slow start due to an economic downturn. It has since recovered and has 4 more phases planned before build out is complete. Tucker Hill has a mix of design styles from Tudor to Victorian which is what makes the neighborhood truly unique.

I am going to share just a few of my favorites with you because I actually love every home in here and that would just be way too long of a post. LOL

This home has immaculate landscaping! As do most of the homes.

This home reminds me of my days in New Orleans! Doesn’t this belong on Bourbon Street?

This home makes we want to go to Seaside right now! I love everything about it!

This gorgeous home is actually what we are planning for our paint job on our home. I saw this and was so excited to see an example. Ours will be black though.

This stunner takes up a whole corner of a street. It is so pretty.

Love the pitch on this roof!

As we continue on our walking tour of our neighborhood, we get to this beautiful blue home. If I was brave enough I would paint mine a dark blue. This is my sweet friend Stephanie and her husband Jeff’s home.

This is the beautiful community pool and meeting space. With COVID, we haven’t been in yet but looking forward to when it opens up again.

This is Founders Square where the stunning fountain is displayed in all her glory.

I saw these gorgeous planters at the Darling Model.

And, of course I had to include my home at the end. LOL As I mentioned, we will be painting our home white with black shutters. We are just waiting on the approval from the HOA. Crossing our fingers they say yes!

Thank you all for joining me on my walking tour of our neighborhood today. I had a great time really slowing down to look at all the beauty this neighborhood has to offer. It really is like no where else. Be sure and check out the rest of the blog with other fun details of our neighborhood. Have a great day friends!
Love this Tracy! Tuckerhill is gorgeous ❤️🤍
Thank you so much! It has been a blessing for sure!
Oh what a darling neighborhood!
We are in love!