Trader Joe’s Must Have Items

Oh my goodness y’all! I promised I would do a blog post about all my Trader Joe’s must have items and I am just now getting to it! I am so sorry!
#reallife #momistired
Speaking of mom life, and life in general, y’all, I am drowning. Not in a bad way drowning, just trying to be everything to everybody. Working until 6 every night then coming home, preparing dinner and then trying to blog has got me all kinds of crazy! And the craziest part is that blogging is my very favorite thing to do and yet it is what is having to take the back seat. I know it will not always be like this but I promised to always be real with you and this is just me being real. Thank you for listening and letting me vent.
Now, on to other more exciting things! I am obsessed with Trader Joes, and when I say obsessed, I mean O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D!!!! Like if Trader Joe’s was a man, I’d marry it! That kind of obsessed! I love the variety of foods they have as well as the unique finds I can always peruse. They have it all! So, let’s unpack just a few of my very favorite things.
I love to combine the mashed potatoes and the meatloaf for a yummy weeknight dinner. The meatloaf tastes just like my mom used to make!

Another weeknight dinner item is this Autumnal Harvest pasta sauce and the yummy butternut squash pasta.

These black bean and jack cheese burritos are the bees knees. Oh my, they are super delish! Perfect for that rushed night where you get home and then have to head out to a ball game of some sort.

I have made this numerous times and the whole family loves it! I take two bags of this Mandarin Orange Chicken and two bags of vegetable fried rice and it is the perfect dinner! And of course you know why I have to make double, the men in the family eat me out of house and home.

I am actually making these tonight and I cannot wait! I bought 3 packages of the gyro meat and 2 packages of the pita bread. I am adding a little provolone cheese and lettuce as well! YUM!

I bought these grilled chicken fajitas the other day for the first time and I am hooked. My husband and I are trying not to eat too many carbs and this makes it so easy. We just cooked one of these packages and served it with shredded lettuce, cheese, sour cream and salsa. I love the roasted corn as well. Get in my belly!

The chicken parm is so delish and again, an easy idea for weeknights. You can serve it with pasta and garlic bread or just a salad.

For a quick lunch or even dinner, I love this Turkey Apple Salad.

These items are all great choices for when people are coming over on short notice. I have these all in my freezer for such a time.

I have been drinking this maple coffee for a few weeks and I LOVE it! I don’t add sugar to my coffee so the flavor of this is so yummy! Add a little heavy cream and it’s heaven!

The ginger brew is so yummy! And let’s be honest, I bought it strictly for the bottle!

Oh my lanta!!! This salsa is to die for! I was in love from the first bite! Aren’t the leaf chips so festive?

I took the hummus snack pack to school today and it was so good. The perfect snack! Oh speaking of taking my lunch, I have to show y’all my cute Kate Spade lunch box.

I love this little cute lunch box as well.

Ok, if you follow me on IG you heard me say this in stories the other day, these chocolate mousse pumpkins taste just like ding dongs (with a little more cream)! WOWZA!

The pumpkin bread is the thing I buy every single year! I make it at least 3 or 4 times. I like to add chocolate chips to it as well!

If you like apple butter, you will love pumpkin butter. I put this on toast in the mornings and love it!

These cookies are my youngest daughters’ favorite! They kind of remind me of Milano cookies. word of caution, they are super addicting!

My kids love these pumpkin rolls as well! So easy to just throw these in the oven in the morning on school days.

This still cut oatmeal is super easy as well. It comes frozen and you just place it in a bowl and microwave it!

Now, I am SURE you have heard of this seasoning. I love to put it on just about everything! I sprinkle it in my scrambled eggs! It is also really good on top of cream cheese on a bagel.

These are only a very few of the many Trader Joe’s must have items. I may have to do a second edition of this post in the near future. I hope it gives you a little bit of an idea of the amazingness called Trader Joe’s. Feel free to check out my recipe posts for other great food ideas. Have a blessed day friends!