Tips For Mixing New and Vintage Decor
Ready for some tips for mixing new and vintage decor? Then you have to read this!

Hey, hey, hey! How in the heck are ya? Great I hope! I am taking my son to college this weekend so I am on the road as we speak! He and our daughter are very ready to get back to their college life (whatever that may look like). I am so sad that they are not experiencing all that we got to experience when we went to college. Do you have any kiddos in college? Or school aged kids? I, as a teacher, feel so bad for all the kids and the teachers. It is rough. It is time for the ‘rona to leave!! Enough is enough!
Can I get an AMEN?
Now onto mixing old and new decor to create that special, lived in look. To me, when you add some old vintage pieces with new modern pieces, it creates a space that feels like it tells a story. Like you are going on a journey through time in that space.
I have a soup tureen from my Nanny and when she passed, it became a treasure to me. It sits in the top cabinet in my dining room. I love displaying it because it reminds me of her. See, it tells a story?
Determine what you want the room to feel like. Are you going for cozy? Or eclectic? Or elegant? Once you determine that, it will help you in deciding what pieces to pull into that space. If you are going for cozy, maybe add a vintage quilt or blanket, maybe even some vintage pillows. If you are going for an elegant look, maybe have a vintage piece of furniture with modern knobs. Maybe pull in a vintage rug like this one to add elegance. Here are some other gorgeous selections as well.

Try to balance out the room with both new and vintage. You don’t want one item to be more overpowering than the other. You want your eye to flow freely from piece to piece within the space. This space by @freeyourmindjac is perfection.

Pick a color palette and try to stick with it. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t mix colors. Feel free to use a few colors. Just try to create a cohesive look. Again, you want your eye to flow from piece to piece with ease. Eclectic Goods has done a terrific job of sticking to a color palette as shown here.

Find chunky vintage wood pieces if you can. I feel like a neat older dresser used as a dining hutch or an old Singer sewing table used as a console table always add a uniqueness to a space. Maybe even look for old chests that are really beat up. Liz Marie just redid this chest with bleaching and it looks fabulous!

I hope some of these tips for mixing new and vintage decor were helpful to you. It always helps to have a starting point I think and this should get you started. I cannot wait to see some of your lovely spaces filled with new and vintage decor. Be sure and check out some of my other decorating tips here. Have a blessed day friends!