Revealing My One Word for 2021

Do you create resolutions each year? If so, stay tuned because I am revealing my one word for 2021..
Oh my!
What a flipping crazy year 2020 was! That was a doozy, am I right? I am so glad it is OVER! Now, I am not naive enough to think that all of the sudden everything will be right in the world starting today. I wish, but I know things take time to move forward. But, that’s what we do as humans, we move forward.

When I was thinking and praying over what I wanted my one word to be for 2021, the word TRANSFORMATION kept coming to the surface. There have been things happening in my life regarding health, my faith, my career path and my home that have led to this being my one word.
The word transformation means to change in composition or structure, to change in character or condition. It is not a mere change, it is a complete overhaul. In Romans 12:2 it says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” To me, transformation is HUGE. It’s not a simple word. It is full of commitment and change. Deciding on this word meant that I had to conquer some serious goals this year so I knew it was not to be taken lightly.

My friend Cleere has an amazing podcast called Let’s Be Cleere. When she talked about the word Transformation she used the example of the butterfly. It totally transforms from a fuzzy caterpillar that is bound to the ground to a stunning butterfly that can fly all over. Now, that’s a transformation. Listening to her podcast about this word solidified why I felt this was to be my word for 2021.
In order to put transformation into practice this year, one of my biggest areas of concerns has been my health. You see, back in November I hit rock bottom. I have been having heart issues for the past year, my weight has steadily climbed over the last ten years and I was just not myself. I decided it was time to take control of my health. I was so sick of being overweight and not feeling like myself. I told my health coach that I wanted my outside to match my inside. The last 6 weeks I have lost 17 pounds and started on a whole new path to a transformed me. I wanted to start before the new year to prove to myself that it was more than just a new year’s resolution. It was a forever change for the better.

Another area I am seeking to transform is my spiritual life. Now, I am not needing a total overhaul, I am just wanting to continually dig deeper. I want to be more outwardly expressive regarding my faith and beliefs. I feel like I stand quietly as things start to deteriorate around me instead of standing up for my faith. That is not who God has designed me to be so I don’t want to settle for that in my life. One good thing that came out of 2020 was the ability to have more time dedicated to spending time with the Lord. I got into a great routine of spending time with Him each morning before I got my day started and it made a huge difference in my day!
I am also super excited about the upcoming year and my blog. I am wanting to really expand my business and make sure I bring you all the fun things you want to see. That brings me to a question….what would you like to see on the blog next year? More recipes, more fashion, more DIY projects? I am so ready to get back into it after a little hiatus the past few weeks.
So tell me, what is your one word for 2021? What is going to drive you to become a better version of yourself in the new year? A lot of thought and prayer went into revealing my one word for 2021. So, take your time and really seek that word that matches you in your current state. I will be praying for you as you enter a new year. I want you to have all that you have dreamed of. I also want to thank you for always showing up for me here. For reading and responding to my posts. For being faithful and providing me an opportunity to do what I love in the blogging world. I am so humbled. Be blessed friend! Happy New Year! Cheers to a much better year ahead.

Be sure and check out some yummy appetizer dips I posted yesterday. They are great for parties!