Our Signature Swag Week in Rewind

Hey friends! I am starting another new feature on the blog today called Our Signature Swag Week in Rewind. I thought it would be fun to share all the happenings of the week prior. This will include any sales I found, personal happenings, recipe shares and more. I hope you enjoy it and it makes it easy to catch up in case you missed anything this week.
Monday, I shared my 10 tips to maximize your pantry space using Container Store products. I had so much fun FINALLY organizing my pantry. Y’all, it was a straight up WRECK! I am so thankful there is a Container Store close to me. They truly have it all! So many things I wasn’t even thinking of, they had!

Tuesday was an adventure to say the least. I was standing around at work talking to a colleague and my heart started racing from about 70bpm to about 140bpm. I was taken to the emergency room and diagnosed with SVT (Superventricular Tachacardia). Let me tell you what, that was a scary day!
Thursday morning I was put on a heart rate monitor to wear around for 2 weeks to see if I have any more episodes. Y’all, it has definitely changed my outlook on life, yet again. All I could think about was my kids and the fact that I’m only 44. From what the Dr. said, it’s not life threatening though, which set my mind at ease big time! I’ll keep you posted on what transpires in the weeks to come. I have stress tests and lots of other fun stuff ahead. Yeah ME! LOL!
Thursday, I also posted my amazing finds from World Market and showed you my finished office space I created in my bedroom. Space is very limited in our home so I have to use whatever small area I can find to create room.

Friday, I posted some great sales going on right now. Red Dress Boutique has some crazy sales that end Sunday. I purchased a cute camel colored sherpa jacket:

and a cozy brown sweater:

They are having a warehouse sale and it is CRAZY good!! I’m glad I was able to pick up a couple of cute items. I hope you find some as well! RUN!!!
I am so excited about sharing Our Signature Swag Week in Rewind with you all. And I cannot thank you enough for being my tribe. For being so faithful at reading and following along with my blog and Instagram. YOU are the reason I do it all. I LOVE the relationships these avenues have helped me create. Life-long friendships. Love you all bunches and I hope you have the best week yet! You are AMAZING!!! Don’t ever change!!