OSS Week in Rewind #7

So sorry I am late for this week’s edition of OSS Week in Rewind #7. It has been crazy this week with it being the kiddos Spring Break so, I have been off social media and the blog as much as possible trying to soak it all in.
At the beginning of the week, my youngest daughter and I went to Oxford, Mississippi to see my oldest son at Ole Miss. We had such a great time seeing the sights of Oxford as well as enjoying great conversation with Haston. We toured the home where William Faulkner lived and that was fun to learn a little more about him and his life. I remember reading The Fable in High School so seeing where he wrote it was pretty cool.

While I was gone, I shared my recipe for some oh-so-yummy beef enchiladas. Have you tried them yet?
We drove back to Dallas Wednesday and I got packed for my Valentine’s day gift from my hubby. He got us a two-night stay at an adorable Bed and Breakfast in Brownwood, Texas. It’s called the Star of Texas and we stayed in the Wildrose Retreat. It is a two-story home the owners saved from demolition and moved on to their property. They remodeled it and it is just the cutest.

Thursday, I shared some Spring decor for you. I found so many great things at Amazon and Target that I hope you liked. If you missed it, I put it here.

This weekend, we have been enjoying our college kids that came back last night for THEIR Spring Break. It is so fun to hear them talk and share their experiences at college. I am amazed at how they have grown in their faith while they have been away. I love how their faith is becoming their own. It is a blessing to witness as a Mom.
Well my friends, I hope you enjoyed OSS Week in Rewind #7. It has been fun to recap the week with y’all. Hope you and your family have a great Spring break as well.