OSS Thrifty Thursday-Daily Essentials

Alright y’all, I can honestly say I didn’t see myself writing a post called OSS Thrifty Thursday-Daily Essentials. Why you ask? Because those are the very things we take for granted and don’t really need someone telling us about. Until now, with COVID-19 on everyone’s mind these days, we have shifted from things we want to things we need. At least for my home that has been the focus. Now, I want this to be light-hearted and not super-serious so here goes.
- Toilet Paper. I never in a million years would have thought I wouldn’t be able to find toilet paper in the stores! But, here we are March 19, 2020 and I can’t find a single roll ANYWHERE! Yikes. That is just craziness! I saw this meme and I about died laughing!

2. Paper Towels- Even more so crazy to me is the shortage of these bad boys! I guess, when the toilet paper ran out, people figured these were the next best thing to use. I have a feeling in the near future we are going to have a lot of stopped up toilets if my theory rings true. LOL

3. Hand Sanitizer- I have heard mixed reviews on this item. I have heard from some people that the high alcohol content isn’t good for the Coronavirus and others have said to have at least 60-70% alcohol. So, I have no clue really what the answer is, but I do know you can’t find hand sanitizer anywhere around me or even on Amazon. NOPEY! Luckily, we are all stuck at home where I have TONS of my favorite hand soap from Grove Collaborative so I am good. And, if you are home, hand washing is the best method anyway. Hand sanitizer is really just meant for when you are out in public and can’t wash your hands. Also, if you decide you want to make your own hand sanitizer, here is a good recipe.
4. Water-I have seen people standing in LONG lines to get bottled water. I bought a few cases myself, because we go through about 2 cases a week normally. Again, I will say how thankful I am that we have good drinking water from the faucets if we need it.

Friends, you know I am writing all of this to stay light-hearted about the current situation. First and foremost, I want you all to know that I am praying for you. We are all in this together and the Lord is teaching me that we just need to love on each other and take care of one another. Enjoy the time you have with your children if they are still home. Make that phone call to a loved one or a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile. Color with your children, make fun new family recipes together, teach your children a new life skill such as laundry or doing the dishes.
Use this time as a blessing. I am a firm believer that nothing happens by accident and God is in control of it all and I feel this situation is no different. What if it is a just a cry out for us to slow down and enjoy the little things? I do not know but I do know this, God isn’t surprised. He is here and He hears our prayers.
Stay safe friends and continue that social distancing. I know we can all play a part in making this go away. Love you all dearly!