My One Word for 2022

Can you guess my one word for 2022?
Happy New Year friends! Can you believe it is already 2022? I feel like 2021 both flew by and drug on like crazy! How is that even possible? We had a bunch of family things happen in 2021 so I am more than happy to move on to the next year. How about you?
Ok, before we go any further, I need to apologize for my absence. I have missed y’all so much but I had to make some things a priority this year. As most of you know, I started my career in real estate in July with Rogers Healy and Associates. Since I was starting my business from the ground up, it was very important that I give it my full attention. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you all sticking around. You knew I’d come back didn’t you?? Awe, I love you cuties!!
Now that I feel like I have a little bit better handle on real estate, I should be able to get back into sharing so many fun things on here with you. I miss sharing the recipes, crafts and fun life happenings with y’all.
So, let’s catch up friends! How have you been? As I eluded to a little earlier, it has been a heck of a past 6 months for our family. My husbands sweet father passed away at the end of November. He was such a sweet man and loved his family well. It was very sudden so it was horribly gut wrenching but he is now in Heaven so, we are very thankful for that. I ended up getting the vid in December and that was tons of fun. NOT! Actually, I got that monoclonal antibody infusion and I think that helped a ton! I just had a horrible headache and lost my taste and smell. Day three of being sick, I went and picked up my favorite Life in Lilac candle and could not smell it at all! I was so sad! My grandpa had triple bypass a couple months ago so I was in Waco a lot of the time taking care of him. To end out the year, my kiddos lost their sweet grandmother on Dec 26th. She was such a dear woman and will be missed greatly.
Yep, 2021 was a lot! And I am sure I’m missing many other things but those were the big ones. So, to say I am ready for 2022 would be an understatement.
Let’s get to my one word for 2022. Quick question first, do you ever pick one word for your year? I have been doing it for a few years and I really like it. I looked back at my one word for 2021 and it was TRANSFORMATION. Now, looking back, I am able to see why the Lord put that word on my heart. He was going to be totally transforming my life. I never would have thought that He would have called me out of my teaching and coaching career and given me a new career in real estate. WOW! But I have learned that if the Lord speaks, I listen. His plan is always better than mine.
Now, for my one word for 2022. Drumroll please, LOL

EXCEL: to be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.
This word truly resonated with me in all facets of my life.
- In real estate, I want to know my craft as well as I can. To be the go-to agent that people can trust.
- In my spiritual life, I want to give my best to my Lord and Savior. I want to read the Bible daily and grow in my relationship to Him.
- With regards to my health, I want to treat my body with respect and give it the best nutrients I can. I want to exercise regularly for my body and mind.
- As a parent, I want to put my children first and guide them the way the Lord would desire.
- As a wife, I want to give my all to my marriage and treat my husband with the utmost love and respect.
- As a friend and sister, I want to be there and love them well. Giving them my best version of me.
Now, these are all goals of mine and I am in no way saying I have these things figured out because I don’t. I am a work in progress for sure. I do my one word for 2022 to keep these things top of mind all year. It gives me a sense of purpose and a vision/goal to attain.
What is your one word for 2022? I would love to hear so we can hold each other accountable. Check out my one word for 2021, it may resonate with you this year.

Thank you friends for always being so supportive and being precious people. May God bless you in this new year. I will be praying for you all throughout the year. And please know, if you ever have a prayer request, email it to me. I would be honored to pray for you specifically. Be blessed!!