Move Your Buns Essentials

Let’s get physical, physical!! This song makes me wanna sing out loud. I loved me some Olivia Newton-John. I think I may have watched Grease a million times. Was it one of your favs as well? I know it kind of dates me a bit but oh well. I digress…..anywho, I wanted to share some move your buns essentials with you. If you are anything like the other 95% of people in the world, you are making your health and fitness a priority in 2021. As I shared with y’all a few days ago, I am currently choosing my health and putting myself first when it comes to making sure I meet my fitness goals. I have lost 16 pounds already I only 6 weeks so I am pretty stoked. Here are a few of my favorite things I am using and wearing:
- Hoka running shoes please hear me when I say this….these are the BEST shoes I have ever purchased in the history of EVER!!! You all know I am a PE teacher and coach, which means I stand on my feet ALL.DAY.LONG! These are by far the most comfortable shoe around.

2. Lululemon Leggings: If you know, you know. I have tried every cheaper pair of leggings that are out there and I always come back to these. I don’t know what they use to make these or what makes them so special but they are worth every dang penny. Just a pro tip, I get mine mostly on Mercari which is a resale site. It’s the best!

3. Fitness bands are perfect when you are working out at home. They have varying degrees of resistance for any exercise. You can look on Pinterest and find workouts to do with bands that are great!

4. Sports bra: I found this super reasonable sports bra awhile back it is amazing! So many cute colors and the fit is perfect!

5. Exercise Mat– Having a mat for your at-home workouts is vital. I have one out in the garage that I have been using to do my sit ups and pushups and it sure helps my back.

6. Kettle Bells: I love having a set of these at the house. I use these for leg workouts and pretty much any arm exercise. This set is super reasonable!

7. Stability Ball: These are so great for core work: situps, pushups, back extensions. I have used one of these balls forever! Make sure you get the one designed for your height.

8. Apple Watch: Now I know this is an investment but it is the single best fitness item I have ever purchased. Also, you don’t have to have the latest and greatest one. This series 3 is one of the best ones made to date. It runs about $169 on Amazon.

9. Fitness Journal: I don’t know about you, but when I journal I am more successful. Every time I have tried to get fit or lose weight, I did better when I wrote everything down. It helps me see the things that are working and the things that are not working. This journal is simple and easy to use.

Now, the question is, will you be making any changes for your health this year? And if so, did you find anything in our move buns essentials list? What was one item you felt like would really help you? If you missed my goals for 2021 check them out here.
I guess after writing this I need to head out to the cold garage and get some abs and core work done today. See ya later cuties! Be blessed!