Festive Easter Charcuterie Board

Have you been thinking of making a festive Easter charcuterie board for your family? Hopefully this will give you a little inspiration.
Well hello there strangers! It has been a hot minute since I’ve written a blog post. Life just got in the way and BAM!!…I disappeared! So sorry about that! I have missed y’all something fierce and I will try my best to get back into my routine. School and sports get nuts and then I am exhausted by the time I get home, cook, straighten up and take a bath. Next thing you know, it’s 9:30 and I haven’t even sat down. How in the heck have you been? Please know I always want this blog to be two-sided, meaning feel free to leave me comments. I do check them and it helps me feel connected to you. I am a real life person behind these words. LOL
Anywho, this weekend I thought it would be fun to create a festive Easter charcuterie board for the house. No, we had no visitors coming. I was just in the mood to create one. Now, I am stuck with all this yumminess in my home that I am choosing not to eat. Oh, and by the way, I reached 32 pounds lost as of this past Saturday!!!!I am plugging along and I am loving the results. Want to see them so far?

16 weeks and look at this amazing transformation!! RIGHT?? Only 28 more pounds to go so I am on the downhill slope. YIPPEE! If you ever have any questions about my weight loss journey please feel free to ask, I am an open book.
Welcome back from my off-topic convo LOL….by now you know I do that from time to time so I know you aren’t surprised are you? To make my board I just grabbed a bunch of festive Easter-y type items from the grocery store. Also, Target seems to always have cute cookies so the bunny and the colorful egg are from there.

Don’t be scared….I made the egg cookies from scratch. Y’all, they were so yummy! I allowed myself one bite just to be the taste tester and not to embarrass myself if they were bad!! ONE WORD…WOWZER!! Want the recipe? Well, then here you go cuties….

Festive Easter Egg Sugar Cookies
Look no further for the absolute best sugar cookie recipe around! Trust me. You can make them for any occasion.
- 2 cups salted butter, softened
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 tbsp vanilla
- 4 tsp baking powder
- 6 cups presifted, all purpose flour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Add butter and sugar together. Cream until completely mixed. Do not over mix.
Add eggs and vanilla until mixed completely.
Add baking powder and mix.
Mix in the flour 1 cup at a time.
Roll dough out on flour-drizzled parchment paper.
Using cookie cutters, cut out shapes about 1/2 inch thick.
Bake at 350 dregrees for 7-9 minutes. Do not overcook.
Optional, frost with melted chocolate bark or your favorite icing recipe.
These cookies will be a huge hit for any occasion. Trust me.
I started my board by creating a center. I put the cupcakes in a square and worked my way out. My daughter was obsessed with the Mint Oreos.

I also used York egg-shaped peppermint patties, Carrot pretzel sticks, jelly beans, Shortbread cookies, Reese’s eggs, Peeps (of course) and “Jesus” cookies. To say this is a sweets tray would be an understatement huh?

I will probably be doing another festive Easter charcuterie board to take to my families for Easter and if so I will share that one with you as well. I hope you enjoyed it friends. What is your favorite part? Check out my other charcuterie boards here.