Cute Summer Tees

Alright friends, let’s be honest….tell me I am not the only one that has worn a t-shirt and shorts or leggings for the past 4 months. WHEW! I was hoping not! Well, today I thought it would be fun to compile some of my favorite cute summer tees for you. They are all on Amazon so this will be super easy to snag a few of them quickly.
My current fav is this Just Peachy tee. Isn’t it just the cutest? Perfect for all those southern girls.

I wanted to throw in a couple of tank tops and these two were way too cute to pass up. Be Kind and Sunshine Vibes.

To me, this shirt SCREAMS summer am I right? Nothing like those summer days with watermelon on the back porch. Awe such great memories.

And who doesn’t love Top Gun? When I saw this shirt, it took me back to 6th grade. I cannot believe it has been that long. I also cannot believe I was allowed to watch that movie. haha I had the biggest crush on Tom Cruise (which has since gone away). My love for Val Kilmer is still going strong however.

We all need a Happy Camper shirt. Just saying it makes me smile. Speaking of camping, how many of you went to summer camp growing up? I did every summer and it was some of the best memories I have even to this day! From the canteen area where I sucked down Country Time lemonade after a day in the Texas sun to the post-dinnertable cup games. Oh, to be a kid again.

I love this Good Vibes shirt as well. I have taken many walks in the shirt as I got the tank top version. It comes in some really cute colors.

I thought this was a cute play on words. Take a Hike, literally or figuratively. Still funny either way!

I hope you were able to find some cute summer tees from this collection. I own a few of them and I love them! Be sure and check out some of my other posts for summer fashion! Be blessed friends!