Choosing the Light

Being my first blog post, I thought it would be good for you to get to know the REAL person behind Our Signature Swag. First and foremost, I want you to know why I’m choosing the light.
I grew up in the lovely city of Waco. Back then, it was not all it is today. Pretty much all the city had going for it was Baylor University. I am very thankful for the Gaines family and all they have done to revitalize my home town to what it is today. Magnolia is my jam!
Growing up, I lived in a middle class family that was very close knit. We did everything together. We were always having Sunday lunch at my grandparents and we spent pretty much every day running the country roads with friends and cousins. My grandparents and uncle lived across the road from us so that made it super easy to ride my little go cart over there to say hello. I guess you could say we lived the good life, with family and friends a plenty.
That all changed on August 29, 1989. When I was 14 years old the naïve life I had known vanished like a cloud. My mom and step dad were in the process of getting a divorce. He, in his deranged mind, decided that he would destroy her family since she didn’t want to be with him anymore. So, on August 29th he decided to carry out a horrific attack on my family. He killed my grandparents and my uncle (my Mom’s parents and only brother). He tied my sisters, my cousin and myself up and then escaped taking my Mom hostage. At that very moment in time, I was not sure if I would ever see my Mom again. He was on the run for a few hours and then was captured. My mom was horribly injured in the final event that caused his capture. He wrecked the car trying to kill them both. They both survived and he is now on death row. STILL!! I know what you’re thinking….28 years ago and he still hasn’t received the justice he so rightly deserves? Not yet! But one day.
UPDATE: Bill was executed February 28, 2019. FINALLY!
Now, you might think that is where this story ends, but my sweet friends this is where the REAL story begins….
When everything happened that day, I learned so much about what it means to be a family and more importantly, what it means to be a child of God. I felt the presence of the Lord in the home where we waited to find out if the police had found my Mom and captured that lunatic. We all sat there and prayed non-stop with family and friends. Never in my life have I been so scared and yet so at peace. I knew the Lord was going to protect my Mom. That He was going to bring her back to us. And He did!
In the days and years since that incident, I have grown in my faith and I have learned that no one can take my joy from me. The joy I have is a joy that can only come from the Lord. I have learned that my test will be my testimony one day. That in order to rise above the fray, I have to allow God to heal my wounds and make me whole again. I am choosing the light.
My tragedy does not define me or any of my family members. We are a family of joy and laughter. If you knew each one of us personally, you would know we have dedicated our lives to serving others and being a light in a dark world. We are teachers, counselors, attorneys and business owners. We use our gifts to show love and kindness to others daily.
Let me leave you with this: when you are part of a tragedy, it makes you more aware of the blessings you have in your life. It makes you appreciate things you might have otherwise taken for granted. Your tragedy does not define you and your tragedy does not win. Joy and love always win! And through joy and love you can find peace. If any of you are walking through some sort of hurt or tragedy just know I am praying for you and I hope my story gives you a lasting hope. Be blessed friends! I hope you are always choosing the light.
Me, my sister Anne-Marie, My Mom, my sister Heather
You and your mom and sisters are such a blessing and example to others love you!!
Oh, dear Tracy, my heart broke as I read this, but then was lifted up by your faith & love of God. I envisioned this little bit living an idyllic life only to see it turned on its head. You and your family are an inspiration and I felt God’s love & strength so powerfully in your words. Much love.
Thank you so much sweet girl. My goal was to allow the Lord to shine through this so that means the world to me.
Wow! What a story. I had no idea…just goes to prove that this has not defined you and you are an amazing light to others!! God bless you!
So blessed to call you friend! Love you and the sweet spirit of the Lord that always shines on your face and through your heart. The Lord does hear our cry and delivers his children.
Tracy!!! That is so crazy, but I love your faith and outlook on life. You spread kindness and joy (and beautiful signs) and anyone that follows you knows that. I’m so glad you BEAUTIFUL ladies have each other. Bless you my friend!
Oh sweet girl reading this brought tears to my eyes. What strength you and your family have. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for telling your story.