15 Scroll Stopping Homes on Instagram

You all know I am a sucker for looking at homes. That is actually how we ended up moving recently. If you remember, my husband and I were just driving around looking at houses when we came across what is now our house. Well, I wanted to do a little compilation of 15 scroll stopping homes on Instagram.
I would love to say that I know a good house when I see it, but there are so many different homes that strike me. I don’t really have a set style. I do like modern farmhouse but I also love traditional styles as well. You will have to tell me which home in this list is your favorite.
This home by @degrawanddehaan DeGraw & DeHaan Architects is in the NY suburbs. I am so in love with all of the different pitches and the blue paint is stunning!

I think this home, for me, has more to do with the amazing landscaping leading up to the house. Of course it is nothing short of gorgeous! The homes landscape is by @tmdlandscapedesigns.

Now this home by @grandfatherhomes is an architectural dream! I am crazy about the combination of white and wood which is my favorite of all time.

This home by @groveparkconstruction has all the feels for me! One thing I wish we were able to do on our home is to have black window frames. We knew when we painted our home white that we would want them even more and we do. One day we will change them out and I will be pumped. Until then, I will just stare at this house.

I posted this home the other day from @sienacustombuilders and it literally blew up my instagram! I could not believe it! I am so happy to know that you all loved it as much as I did!

I love the peppercorn by Sherwin Williams on this home by @petruccihomes. And the white trim just pops against it doesn’t it?

I love this quaint cottage by @gerrardbuilders. It is definitely a scroll stopper!

Here is another home from @groveparkconstruction and it is so pretty right?

I love this beauty by @botskobuilders. I am starting to see a pattern in my favorites. I love homes with lots of different pitches. To me, it gives the home such character.

I can’t share some of my favorite homes without showing a couple that I love in my neighborhood.

This gem of a home is from @botskobuilders and just makes my heart skip a beat! Woods and whites are my weakness!

Something about this home struck me. Again, maybe it was the stark pitches or the black accent color. Not sure, but I love it. This home is from @ltbconstuction.

This show stopper is from @homesbyyaronyehoda. I just can’t even with this one! WOWZER!

Last, but not least, is this beauty from @ebuildershomes. I love the swoop roofline!

Alright my friends, what did you think of my 15 scroll stopping homes on Instagram? Which one of them is your favorite? I would tell you mine but I want to hear yours first. Oh, I wanted to remind those of you that haven’t seen my neighborhood walking tour, to go and see it. It is full of super fun homes as well. Have a great day dear friends!